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“Believe, Achieve, Succeed” At Merrickville PS we are committed to healthy children-mind and body. We encourage healthy eating habits, physical activity and getting involved in our school to experience all we have to offer. We believe in MUSTANG PRIDE and showing great character in all that we do. We want our students to achieve excellence and will work with your family to ensure your child is successful!

Parental involvement is essential to a child's education, therefore we warmly welcome parents into our school. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s education, please feel free to contact the school at 1-613-269-4951. To learn more about our school, please explore our website and be sure to visit our Facebook page to see what's happening at our school!


Christie LaBrash, Principal


As part of the federal COVID-19 Resilience Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, and funding from the Ontario government,
73 UCDSB school sites will see enhancements and upgrades to HVAC and controls; replacement portables; window replacements; bottle filling stations; and power doors with touchless sensors.

Investing in Canada

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